Janette's Blog

(Click Here for Janette's Run Log Summary)


April 19, 2013 4:18:16 PM

Mile Pace
3.1 Miles 0:30:13 0:09:4466°Fsunny

I was having trouble with my computer earlier this week so I'm a bit behind. Chris fixed it, so now I'm good to go!

It's been beautiful running weather this week. Warm, but not hot; breezy, but not windy.

Tuesday evening I ran later than usual. I was racing the evening daylight, but I beat it.I was thinking a lot about Boston - the news on Monday really upset me. I don't understand what provokes someone to do something so horrible to innocent people. And it makes me even more upset as a runner. Running is a sport full of hope - there's no booing, no losers. Just people with a lot of perseverance, running 26.2 miles- or less. Someday I hope to qualify for Boston...but I have to persevere and do a lot of training and get about two hours faster.

In the meantime, I will be wearing red socks at the Broad Street Run to show my support for the runners of Boston.

1,000 Mile Challenge
169.7 Miles Down
830.3 To Go
With 199 days left, that's 4.2 miles/day.


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